Many a time this thought cross my mind. What we really want with life? And answer was, we as a human are never satisfied with what we have and always yearn for more more and more. And after achieving that, that MORE kinda joins the list of NO more!!! We no longer feel good about it and look for something better than it. And probably the phrase "Grass always looks greener other side" wasn't written for donkeys and is surely for human being . And being an unsatisfied creature always make him/her pay. Be it on personal front or sometime on professional too. Kids want to go to school when they see there elders going to school. And when join it they no longer wish to be there and after learning about some place name college they wish to go there. They think they will be free like a flying bird, swarming where ever they will wish. Ground reality strikes harder when in college, regular statement coming out of there mouth is "Being in college sucks" and yearn to get a job to become free of all burden. And sadly after getting into Job some odd feeling comes and wish to either go back to college or to get settled(I am not sure whether its settling down or not) by getting married. And the cycle goes on till they see there kids going through the same cycle. And finally when they reached the death bed, they realizes being kid was the best thing that happen to them in there life. And in fact they look back through there life and keep sighing, how great it was during THOSE days!!!