Friday, June 27, 2008

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

I remember reading above poem by famous poet Robert Frost, during my school days and above it, remember how difficult it was to apprehend the real meaning those days? Or is it today too? While reading today it stroked a chord in thought process. Isn't there any possibility that poet might have written a simple poem with not even a mild thought of relating the flow of poem with real life by taking philosophical jargon of personifying the character to our life ?And then a questioned popped up in my mind. Isn't it the case that we start looking through that perspective only which we are been told and go with the biased thought only until we want to prove something different. And as truly said Human being always look for easy path and stop thinking rationally for better opportunity(If not said, then I am saying it). And I personally feel Human kind is guided by certain age old beliefs and perspective and pass these beliefs from generation to generation. An answer which need to be questioned.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I guess it was a long awaited post and in fact most of you might be waiting for it. Even all my friends started wondering and they thought something must be wrong with me. Its been almost 10 months since I moved to Bangalore from the heaven called Chennai... whooping 10 months!!! Gosh!!! And still I didn't say a word against this place? Nay!!! It was just waiting to reach the threshold and finally it came out. This place too sucks a big time. Not due to weather, not due to work culture,not due to food problem, not due to people.. or wait, I guess little modification here.. not due to people who doesn't own a vehicle.

Just have to say, people residing here doesn't have any traffic sense and nor do they have patience to let other go, or I guess they don't like the smooth movement of traffic at all. Keep shouting over the messy traffic all the time and when the time for them to contribute at least there share of orderliness??? Gracious!!! Everything fly away from there mind. They will keep moving there vehicle too the extremes in such a way that it may be possible that there vehicle making a 85 degree angle with the road. Or to say simply they just block the whole traffic and eventually nor they nor other are able to move ahead even if the clearance is given by the Traffic police. Its really an irritating experience to get caught in such a traffic with full of these irritants.
Moreover I guess Bangalore is in DIRE need of proper traffic arrangements or say signal. And most importantly a sense of traffic among all.

But if one forget the traffic congestion for a while then its seriously a great place to live(at least a hundred thousand times better then the heaven :D). Or guess may be opinion will get changed drastically after an year or so. And then I will head to some other destination, some other place to scoff on. ;-)

Friday, June 20, 2008


Many a time this thought cross my mind. What we really want with life? And answer was, we as a human are never satisfied with what we have and always yearn for more more and more. And after achieving that, that MORE kinda joins the list of NO more!!! We no longer feel good about it and look for something better than it. And probably the phrase "Grass always looks greener other side" wasn't written for donkeys and is surely for human being . And being an unsatisfied creature always make him/her pay. Be it on personal front or sometime on professional too. Kids want to go to school when they see there elders going to school. And when join it they no longer wish to be there and after learning about some place name college they wish to go there. They think they will be free like a flying bird, swarming where ever they will wish. Ground reality strikes harder when in college, regular statement coming out of there mouth is "Being in college sucks" and yearn to get a job to become free of all burden. And sadly after getting into Job some odd feeling comes and wish to either go back to college or to get settled(I am not sure whether its settling down or not) by getting married. And the cycle goes on till they see there kids going through the same cycle. And finally when they reached the death bed, they realizes being kid was the best thing that happen to them in there life. And in fact they look back through there life and keep sighing, how great it was during THOSE days!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


And finally decided that I will take out some time from my ad hoc kinda busy schedule(People in Indian IT industry do understand the meaning of ad hoc kinda busy schedule :|) and will write something be it a trivial stuff or any serious stuff, but yeah not on daily basis, once in a week. Lets see for how many more months/weeks I am able to keep up with it.

Next post to come soon!!!
